Aphelios best combo for S13 LoL (League of Legends): With optimal ability combos for Aphelios, you will be able to deal lots of damage to the enemy quickly, safely and becoming a better player to climbing the ranked ladder.

Role: Marksman
Aphelios Combos List
Easy Combos:
Q > R > AA > AA
Average Combos:
Q > W > AA > Q > W > AA
R > W > Q > W > AA
R > Q > W > Q > AA > AA
Q > W > Q > W > AA
R > Q > W > Q
Hard Combos:
Q > AA > W > AA > AA > AA > Q > R > AA > AA
Aphelios Combos Video
How Does It work?
To snipe with Calibrum out use Q and R instantly then AA twice.
With Calibrum in main hand and Gravitum in off hand you can root from very far away. Use Q then instantly W. AA once the Q lands then Q with Gravitum, then use W to swap back for AA’s.
Quickly stack Chakrums by using Crescendum in main hand and Severum in off hand. R then instantly W Q. Once it’s done it’s channel, W and AA
Engage teamfights with Gravitum in main hand and Calibrum in off hand. R and Q once it lands, then instantly W Q followed by two AA’s.
To AoE root use Infernum in main hand and Gravitum in off hand. Q then W Q W as quickly as possible followed by an AA.
Burst targets with Infernum in main hand and Severum in off hand. R Q W instantly one after another then Q.
Kite and deal damage from range with Crescendum in main hand and Calibrum in off hand. Q then instantly AA W. Continue to AA and kite until your sentry dies then Q R instantly and AA twice.
How To Using Best Combos Aphelios ?
You need to play it over and over again. Repeatedly playing the same champion will help you master the champions.
You need understand “how he work or how his skill work.”
Aphelios wields 5 Lunari Weapons made by his sister Alune. He has access to two at a time: one main-hand and one off-hand. Each weapon has a unique Basic Attack and Ability. Attacks and abilities consume a weapon’s ammo. When out of ammo, Aphelios discards the weapon and Alune summons the next of the 5.
Aphelios has 5 different activated abilities, based on his main-hand weapon: Calibrum (Rifle): Long range shot that marks its target for a long-range follow-up attack. Severum (Scythe Pistol): Run fast while attacking nearby enemies with both weapons. Gravitum (Cannon): Root all enemies slowed by this weapon. Infernum (Flamethrower): Blast enemies in a cone and attack them with your off-hand weapon. Crescendum (Chakram): Deploy a sentry that shoots your off-hand weapon.
Aphelios swaps his main-hand gun with his off-hand gun, replacing his basic attack and activated ability.
Aphelios has no third ability. This slot shows the next weapon Alune will give him. Weapon order begins fixed but may change over game time — when a weapon is out of ammo it goes to the end of the order.
Fire a concentrated blast of moonlight that explodes on enemy champions. Applies the unique effect of Aphelios’ main-hand gun.