
Best Aphelios Combos S13: League of Legends 2023

Aphelios best combo for S13 LoL (League of Legends): With optimal ability combos for Aphelios, you will be able to deal lots of damage to the enemy quickly, safely and becoming a better player to climbing the ranked ladder.


Role: Marksman

Aphelios Combos List

Easy Combos:

Q > R > AA > AA

Average Combos:

Q > W > AA > Q > W > AA

R > W > Q > W > AA

R > Q > W > Q > AA > AA

Q > W > Q > W > AA

R > Q > W > Q

Hard Combos:

Q > AA > W > AA > AA > AA > Q > R > AA > AA

Aphelios Combos Video

How Does It work?

To snipe with Calibrum out use Q and R instantly then AA twice.

With Calibrum in main hand and Gravitum in off hand you can root from very far away. Use Q then instantly W. AA once the Q lands then Q with Gravitum, then use W to swap back for AA’s.

Quickly stack Chakrums by using Crescendum in main hand and Severum in off hand. R then instantly W Q. Once it’s done it’s channel, W and AA

Engage teamfights with Gravitum in main hand and Calibrum in off hand. R and Q once it lands, then instantly W Q followed by two AA’s.

To AoE root use Infernum in main hand and Gravitum in off hand. Q then W Q W as quickly as possible followed by an AA.

Burst targets with Infernum in main hand and Severum in off hand. R Q W instantly one after another then Q.

Kite and deal damage from range with Crescendum in main hand and Calibrum in off hand. Q then instantly AA W. Continue to AA and kite until your sentry dies then Q R instantly and AA twice.

How To Using Best Combos Aphelios ?

You need to play it over and over again. Repeatedly playing the same champion will help you master the champions.

You need understand “how he work or how his skill work.”


Aphelios wields 5 Lunari Weapons made by his sister Alune. He has access to two at a time: one main-hand and one off-hand. Each weapon has a unique Basic Attack and Ability. Attacks and abilities consume a weapon’s ammo. When out of ammo, Aphelios discards the weapon and Alune summons the next of the 5.


Aphelios has 5 different activated abilities, based on his main-hand weapon: Calibrum (Rifle): Long range shot that marks its target for a long-range follow-up attack. Severum (Scythe Pistol): Run fast while attacking nearby enemies with both weapons. Gravitum (Cannon): Root all enemies slowed by this weapon. Infernum (Flamethrower): Blast enemies in a cone and attack them with your off-hand weapon. Crescendum (Chakram): Deploy a sentry that shoots your off-hand weapon.


Aphelios swaps his main-hand gun with his off-hand gun, replacing his basic attack and activated ability.


Aphelios has no third ability. This slot shows the next weapon Alune will give him. Weapon order begins fixed but may change over game time — when a weapon is out of ammo it goes to the end of the order.


Fire a concentrated blast of moonlight that explodes on enemy champions. Applies the unique effect of Aphelios’ main-hand gun.

Best Annie Combos S13: League of Legends 2023

Annie best combo for S13 LoL (League of Legends): With optimal ability combos for Annie, you will be able to deal lots of damage to the enemy quickly, safely and becoming a better player to climbing the ranked ladder.


Role: Mage

Annie Combos List

Easy Combos:

E > W > Q > AA

AA > Q > W > AA

Q > R > W > AA

Average Combos:

Q > W > E > AA

Flash > R > W > Q > AA

Q > E > W > AA

E > W > Flash > R > Q > AA

Annie Combos Video

How Does It work?

Trade onto your target by using E to get into range then instantly W Q and AA.

To get some poke damage on your opponent AA then quickly Q W and AA again.

To all in at level 6 use Q while your passive is up. As soon as the stun lands R W instantly then AA.

At two stacks of your passive Q then instantly W E and AA after.

For a great teamfight engage with your passive up Flash and instantly R W Q as fast as you can, then AA.

Surprise trade on your opponent. With three stacks of your passive Q then E right before it lands followed by W AA

A harder level 6 all in to pull off, at three or four passive stacks E then W. Instantly Flash mid animation, then R Q as fast as you can before AAing.

How To Using Best Combos Annie ?

You need to play it over and over again. Repeatedly playing the same champion will help you master the champions.

You need understand “how he work or how his skill work.”


After casting 4 spells, Annie’s next offensive spell will stun the target.


Annie hurls a Mana infused fireball, dealing damage and refunding the Mana cost if it destroys the target.


Annie casts a blazing cone of fire, dealing damage to all enemies in the area.


Grants Annie or an ally a shield, a burst of Move Speed, and damages enemies who attack her with basic attacks.


Annie wills her bear Tibbers to life, dealing damage to units in the area. Tibbers can attack and also burns enemies that stand near him.

Best Anivia Combos S13: League of Legends 2023

Anivia best combo for S13 LoL (League of Legends): With optimal ability combos for Anivia, you will be able to deal lots of damage to the enemy quickly, safely and becoming a better player to climbing the ranked ladder.


Role: Mage

Anivia Combos List

Easy Combos:

Q > AA > Q > E > AA

R > AA > E > R >AA

Q > E > Q

Average Combos:

Q > R > AA > Q > E > AA > R

Q > Q > E > R > W

R > AA > E > Q > Q > W > AA

Hard Combos:

Q > R > AA > Q > E > W > AA > R

R > W > Q > AA > Q > E > AA > R

Q > Q > W > E > R > AA > AA > E > AA > R

Anivia Combos Video

How Does It work?

For a quick trade Q then AA Q. E AA to finish.

Chunk your opponent by using R under them, then AA, E. R again and AA.

Fast trade using Q, then E and quickly Q again.

Trade post-6 by using Q then R AA. Reactivate Q, then E, AA and cancel your R

When in melee range quickly Q Q, then E, R and W to separate you and your target.

Make it easier to land your stun by using R under your target then AA E. Q Q, then W behind your target and AA

Engage on your target by using Q, then R AA Q. E then W behind them, AA and R.

Force your enemy to move by using R and then W behind them. Q AA Q, then E AA R.

For a long trade Q towards your opponent then Q again. W behind your target, E and R underneath them, then AA. Finish with E AA R

How To Using Best Combos Anivia ?

You need to play it over and over again. Repeatedly playing the same champion will help you master the champions.

You need understand “how he work or how his skill work.”


Upon taking fatal damage, Anivia reverts to an egg and is reborn with full health.


Anivia brings her wings together and summons a sphere of ice that flies towards her opponents, chilling and damaging anyone in its path. When the sphere explodes it does moderate damage in a radius, stunning anyone in the area.


Anivia condenses the moisture in the air into an impassable wall of ice to block all movement. The wall only lasts a short duration before it melts.


With a flap of her wings, Anivia blasts a freezing gust of wind at her target, dealing damage. If the target was recently hit by Flash Frost or damaged by a fully formed Glacial Storm, the damage they take is doubled.


Anivia summons a driving rain of ice and hail to damage her enemies and slow their advance.

 Best Amumu Combos S13: League of Legends 2023

Amumu best combo for S13 LoL (League of Legends): With optimal ability combos for Amumu, you will be able to deal lots of damage to the enemy quickly, safely and becoming a better player to climbing the ranked ladder.


Role: Tank

Amumu Combos List

Easy Combos:

Q > W > AA > E > R > AA > AA

Q > R > W > E

W > AA > E > Q > AA

Q > W > AA > E > AA

Average Combos:

W > E > Flash > Q > AA

Q > Flash > W > R > AA > E > AA

Q > E > W >AA

R > Flash > W > Q > E > AA

Hard Combos:

Q > W > R > Flash

W > Q > R >Flash > E > AA

Amumu Combos Video

How Does It work?

When you are ganking post-6, Q and cast W mid air. AA E R instantly one after the other once you land followed by some AA’s.

To catch out the enemy team with an AoE engage, Q then R mid air. Instantly W E once you land.

While in melee range, W AA then instantly E Q followed by an AA.

To gank Q your target, cast W mid air then AA E AA once you land.

When outside melee range W E together then instantly Flash Q followed by an AA

For a long range full engage Q then Flash mid animation. Quickly W R once you land and AA E AA afterwards

When at short range Q E instantly then W AA once you land.

Extend the range of your R by using it, then mid animation Flash and instantly W Q followed by E AA

To engage on an entire team Q your first target and hit W mid air. As your reach your first target hit R and instantly F to hit as many people as possible.

For a tricky engage W Q at the same time towards your first target, then mid air quickly R Flash to hit your other targets. E AA your first target.

How To Using Best Combos Amumu ?

You need to play it over and over again. Repeatedly playing the same champion will help you master the champions.

You need understand “how he work or how his skill work.”


Amumu’s basic attacks Curse his enemies, causing them to take bonus true damage from incoming magic damage.


Amumu tosses a sticky bandage at a target, stunning and damaging the target while he pulls himself to them.


Overcome by anguish, nearby enemies lose a percentage of their maximum Health each second and have their Curses refreshed.


Permanently reduces the physical damage Amumu would take. Amumu can unleash his rage, dealing damage to surrounding enemies. Each time Amumu is hit, the cooldown on Tantrum is reduced by 0.5 seconds.


Amumu entangles surrounding enemy units in bandages, applying his Curse, damaging and stunning them.

Best Alistar Combos S13: League of Legends 2023

Alistar best combo for S13 LoL (League of Legends): With optimal ability combos for Alistar, you will be able to deal lots of damage to the enemy quickly, safely and becoming a better player to climbing the ranked ladder.


Role: Tank

Alistar Combos List

Easy Combos:

W > AA > Q > AA

Q > E > AA > W > EAA

W > Q > E > AA > EAA

Q > W

Average Combos:

Flash > W > Q

Q > Flash > W

Hard Combos:

W > Q > Flash

W > F > Q > E > AA > EAA

Alistar Combos Video

How Does It work?

To make use of walls on the map W someone into one then AA Q as fast as you can.

For a longer cc chain using a wall Q and instantly E AA. W your opponent into the wall and stun them with your AA.

Your standard Alistar combo will be to W Q one after another then E once in range. AA then AA once it’s up for the stun.

To knock an enemy back into your team Q them, then walk behind your target and use W.

To surprise your target with an engage F and instantly W Q one after the other.

To knock an enemy back into your team from outside melee range Q and mid animation Flash, then once behind your target use W

To extend your engage range W and right as you reach your target Q F instantly.

To quickly knock up an enemy twice W and once it connects Flash to where they will land. Q E before they hit the ground, AA then AA once it’s ready.

How To Using Best Combos Alistar ?

You need to play it over and over again. Repeatedly playing the same champion will help you master the champions.

You need understand “how he work or how his skill work.”


Alistar charges his roar by stunning or displacing enemy champions or when nearby enemies die. When fully charged he heals himself all nearby allied champions.


Alistar smashes the ground, dealing damage to nearby enemies and tossing them into the air.


Alistar rams a target with his head, dealing damage and knocking the target back.


Alistar tramples nearby enemy units, ignoring unit collision and gaining stacks if he damages an enemy champion. At full stacks Alistar’s next basic attack against an enemy champion deals additional magic damage and stuns them.


Alistar lets out a wild roar, removing all crowd control effects on himself, and reducing incoming physical and magical damage for the duration.

Best Akshan Combos S13: League of Legends 2023

Akshan best combo for S13 LoL (League of Legends): With optimal ability combos for Akshan, you will be able to deal lots of damage to the enemy quickly, safely and becoming a better player to climbing the ranked ladder.


Role: Marksman

Akshan Combos List

Easy Combos:

AA > AA > Q

AA > AA > Q > AA > AA > E

AA > AA > Q > AA > AA > E > AA > AA > AA > E

Average Combos:

W > AA > AA >Q > AA > AA > R > F > E

AA > AA > Q > F

AA > AA > Q > AA > E > R

Akshan Combos Video

How Does It work?

AA, AA and Q your enemy.

AA, AA and Q your enemy, then AA and AA again before using your E to finish.

AA and AA your enemy followed by your Q, then AA, AA and E and then a few more AA’s to take them down and use your E to escape again afterwards.

Press your W, then AA, AA and Q. AA, AA then press your R and use your Flash to bypass obstacles between you and your enemy. Then E to finish.

AA and AA your enemy. Q them and then Flash to hit them with the return boomerang too!

Start with an AA and AA before your Q. Then AA and AA before your R and then E out to finish.

How To Using Best Combos Akshan ?

You need to play it over and over again. Repeatedly playing the same champion will help you master the champions.

You need understand “how he work or how his skill work.”


Every three hits from Akshan’s Attacks and Abilities deals bonus damage and grants him a Shield if the target was a champion. When Akshan Attacks, he fires an additional Attack for reduced damage. If he cancels the additional Attack, he instead gains Move Speed.


Akshan throws a boomerang that deals damage going out and coming back, extending its range each time it hits an enemy.


Akshan passively marks enemy champions as Scoundrels when they kill his ally champions. If Akshan kills a Scoundrel, he resurrects the allies they killed, gains bonus gold, and clears all marks. When activated, Akshan enters camouflage and gains Move Speed and Mana Regen while moving towards Scoundrels. Akshan loses the camouflage quickly while he is not in brush or near terrain.


Akshan fires a grappling hook into terrain then swings around it, repeatedly firing at the nearest enemy while swinging. He can jump off early or gets knocked off when colliding with champions or terrain.


Akshan locks onto an enemy champion and starts storing bullets. When released, he fires all stored bullets, dealing damage based on missing health to the first champion, minion, or structure hit.

Best Akali Combos S13: League of Legends 2023

Akali best combo for S13 LoL (League of Legends): With optimal ability combos for Akali, you will be able to deal lots of damage to the enemy quickly, safely and becoming a better player to climbing the ranked ladder.


Role: Assassin

Akali Combos List

Easy Combos:

Q > W > AA >Q > AA > E > E > AA > Q > AA

E > E > W > AA > Q > AA > Q > AA

Q > AA > E > E > AA

Average Combos:

R > E > AA > Q > E > AA > Q > R

E > E > Q > AA

R > Flash

Hard Combos:

R > AA > Q > W > AA > E > E > AA > Q > R

R > E > Q > E > AA > R

R > E > E > AA > Q > R

R > E >W > E > AA > Q > R

Akali Combos Video

How Does It work?

Your basic trade is to Q then W and AA. Q AA E, then E to your target and AA Q AA.

To trade when starting from range E your target then E again. Use W AA Q, then AA Q AA

For a quick trade Q then AA and E. E to your target, then AA.

All in at level 6 by using R E AA, then Q and E again. AA, Q and R to finish.

Burst a target down by using E, then E again. Follow up with Q AA.

Extend your ult by using Perfect Execution R and Flashing before it ends.

For an extended all in, R to your target then AA Q. W AA E, then E again and quickly AA Q and R.

For a quick execute R to your target, then E Q. E again, then immediately AA R.

Tower dive by using R to your target, then E. E again, then quickly AA Q and R to safety.

Fast combo your target by using R to them, then E W. E again, then quickly AA Q R.

How To Using Best Combos Akali ?

You need to play it over and over again. Repeatedly playing the same champion will help you master the champions.

You need understand “how she work or how her skill work.”


Dealing spell damage to a champion creates a ring of energy around them. Exiting that ring empowers Akali’s next Attack with bonus range and damage.


Akali throws out five kunai, dealing damage based on her bonus Attack Damage and Ability Power and slowing.


Akali drops a cover of smoke and briefly gains Move Speed. While inside the shroud, Akali becomes invisible and unable to be selected by enemy spells and attacks. Attacking or using abilities will briefly reveal her.


Flip backward and fire a shuriken forward, dealing magic damage. The first enemy or smoke cloud hit is marked. Re-cast to dash to the marked target, dealing additional damage.


Akali leaps in a direction, damaging enemies she strikes. Re-cast: Akali dashes in a direction, executing all enemies she strikes.

Best Ahri Combos S13: League of Legends 2023

Ahri best combo for S13 LoL (League of Legends): With optimal ability combos for Ahri, you will be able to deal lots of damage to the enemy quickly, safely and becoming a better player to climbing the ranked ladder.


Role: Mage

Ahri Combos List

Easy Combos:

Q > W > AA

E > Q > W > AA

AA > W > Q

Average Combos:

R > Q > AA > W> R > AA > R > E > AA

Q > R > W > E

R > E > Q > R > W > AA > R > AA

Hard Combos:

E > R > W > Q

E > Q > R > W > AA

E > F > R > W >Q > AA > R >AA > R > AA

E > F > Q > R > W > AA

Ahri Combos Video

How Does It work?

Your basic trade will be Q then instantly W AA at the same time.

This Level 3 All in combo uses E then instantly Q, followed by using W and an AA at the same time.

Quickly trade with AA to make sure W locks on, instantly W and Q as quickly as possible

When chasing an opponent, R into Q Range then AA W to lock on. R AA to get closer and use your final R to reposition to make E as easy to land as possible.

To quickly burst use Q then instantly R, W mid air then E once you land.

To All-In at level 6, R to get an angle for your E Q then R W to reposition to land the second portion of Q and finish up with AA R AA.

Hide your Charm animation by using E then instantly R, use W mid air and Q once you land.

With a clear line to the target instantly E Q R one after another, then use W mid air and AA once you land.

Hide your Charm even better with E Flash mid animation and immediately R and W mid air. Q once you land then AA R, using R to make sure your returning Q lands.

To surprise your opponent E then instantly Flash and Q, then R right after Q finishes casting. Use W mid air and AA once you land.

How To Using Best Combos Ahri ?

You need to play it over and over again. Repeatedly playing the same champion will help you master the champions.

You need understand “how she work or how her skill work.”


After killing 9 minions or monsters, Ahri heals. After taking down an enemy champion, Ahri heals for a greater amount.


Ahri sends out and pulls back her orb, dealing magic damage on the way out and true damage on the way back.


Ahri gains a brief burst of Move Speed and releases three fox-fires, that lock onto and attack nearby enemies.


Ahri blows a kiss that damages and charms an enemy it encounters, instantly stopping movement abilities and causing them to walk harmlessly towards her.


Ahri dashes forward and fires essence bolts, damaging nearby enemies. Spirit Rush can be cast up to three times before going on cooldown, and gains additional recasts when taking down enemy champions.

Best Fredrinn Combo 2023: Mobile Legends

Fredrinn best combo for 2023 Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. With optimal ability combos for Fredrinn, you will be able to deal lots of damage to the enemy quickly, safely and becoming a better player to climbing the ranked ladder.


Role: Tank/Fighter

Fredrinn Combos List

Easy Combos:

Skill 1 > Skill 3

Skill 2 > Skill 3 > AA -> Skill 2 -> AA

Average Combos:

Skill 2 > Skill 1 > Skill 3 > Skill 1 > Skill 4

Hard Combos:

Skill 2 -> Skill 1 -> Skill 3 -> Skill 2 -> Skill 1 -> Skill 4

Skill 1 > AA > Skill 3 > SKill 2 > AA > Skill 4

Fredrinn Combos Video

How To Using Best Combos Fredrinn ?

You need to play it over and over again. Repeatedly playing the same champion will help you master the champions.

You need understand “how he work or how his skill work.”

Passive – Crystalline Armor

Fredrinn stores 6% of the damage he receives as Crystal Energy. The Crystal Energy decays after 8s at a rate of 5% Max HP per second.
Fredrinn can convert the stored Crystal Energy into HP by 30% of his damage dealt (15% for damage dealt to minions).

Fredrinn gains 1 Combo Point that lasts 6s each time his regular skill hits a non-minion enemy (up to 4 Combo Points). His Ultimate costs different numbers of Combo Points at different skill levels.

Skill 1 – Piercing Strike

Fredrinn thrusts his sword in the target direction, dealing 150 (+8% Total HP) Physical Damage to enemies hit and slowing them by 30% for 2s. His next Basic Attack gains extra attack range and deals 100 (+120% Extra Physical Attack) Physical Damage.
This skill deals 150% damage to non-hero enemies.

Skill 2 – Brave Assault

Fredrinn dashes in the target direction, dealing 200 (+80% Extra Physical Attack) Physical Damage to the first non-minion enemy hit. His next Basic Attack knocks the target airborne for 0.3s.

Skill 3 – Energy Eruption

Fredrinn deals 300 (+100% Extra Physical Attack) Physical Damage to nearby enemies and taunts them for 1s. Hitting a non-minion enemy grants Fredrinn 30 Physical and Magic Defense for 3s and reduces the cooldowns of Piercing Strike and Brave Assault by 75%.
This skill costs 1 Combo Point.

Skill 4 – Appraiser’s Wrath

Fredrinn slams his sword in the target direction, dealing 600 plus 40% of his Crystal Energy as Physical Damage to enemies in a cone after a short delay. Enemies in the center of the area take 175% damage.
This skill costs 3 Combo Points.

Best Aatrox Combos S13: League of Legends

Aatrox best combo for S13 LoL (League of Legends): With optimal ability combos for Aatrox, you will be able to deal lots of damage to the enemy quickly, safely and becoming a better player to climbing the ranked ladder.


Role: Fighter

Aatrox Combos List

Easy Combos:

Q > E

Average Combos:

Q > Q > Q > E > AA

W > E > Q > AA > Q > AA > Q

Hard Combos:

R > Q > W > E > AA > Q > AA > Q

W > E > Q > AA > Q > AA > Q > E

W > E > Q > AA > Q > AA > Q > E > Flash

W > E > Q > AA > Q > AA > Q > Flash

Aatrox Combos Video

How Does It work?

Trade normally with Q then E mid animation to line up your sweet spot.

Extend your trade by using Q three times then E to land your third Q

All in at level 3 with W and instantly E Q to help keep them in place, follow it up with AA Q2 into AA Q3.

After level 6 R to get into Q range then instantly Q W E AA, Q2 to keep them in your W then AA Q3 for an easy dunk.

With more Ability Haste you can combo smoother and use E again. W E Q instantly one after another then AA Q2 followed by AA Q3 and using E mid air to guarantee the sweet spot landing.

With more Ability Haste and Flash you can chase opponents much easier. W E Q instantly one after another then AA Q2 followed by AA Q3 and using E and Flash mid air to guarantee the sweet spot landing.

Flash can be used to secure your Q3 damage. W E Q instantly one after another then AA Q2 followed by AA Q3 and using Flash mid air to guarantee the sweet spot landing.

How To Using Best Combos Aatrox ?

You need to play it over and over again. Repeatedly playing the same champion will help you master the champions.

You need understand “how he work or how his skill work.”


Periodically, Aatrox’s next basic attack deals bonus physical damage and heals him, based on the target’s max health.


Aatrox slams his greatsword down, dealing physical damage. He can swing three times, each with a different area of effect.


Aatrox smashes the ground, dealing damage to the first enemy hit. Champions and large monsters have to leave the impact area quickly or they will be dragged to the center and take the damage again.


Passively, Aatrox heals when damaging enemy champions. On activation, he dashes in a direction.


Aatrox unleashes his demonic form, fearing nearby enemy minions and gaining attack damage, increased healing, and Move Speed. If he gets a takedown, this effect is extended.