Gnar best combo for S13 LoL (League of Legends): With optimal ability combos for Gnar, you will be able to deal lots of damage to the enemy quickly, safely and becoming a better player to climbing the ranked ladder.

Role: Fighter
Gnar Combos List
Easy Combos:
AA > E > Q > AA
Average Combos:
Q > E > AA > W > AA
Hard Combos:
E > R
E > R > AA > Q > AA
E > AA > R > AA > W > AA > Q > AA
Gnar Combos Video
How Does It work?
AA, then E, Q and AA to finish.
Use your Q, E, AA, W and AA.
As you transform, use your E and R instantly.
Use your E and R, then AA, Q and AA.
Use your E then AA, R, AA, W, then AA, Q and AA.
Use your E and Flash before your R.
How To Using Best Combos Gnar ?
You need to play it over and over again. Repeatedly playing the same champion will help you master the champions.
You need understand “how he work or how his skill work.”
While in combat Gnar generates Rage. At maximum Rage his next ability will transform him into Mega Gnar, granting increased survivability and access to new spells.
Gnar throws a boomerang that damages and slows enemies it hits before returning to him. If he catches the boomerang its cooldown is reduced. Mega Gnar instead throws a boulder that stops on the first unit hit, damaging and slowing everything nearby. It can then be picked up to reduce the cooldown.
Gnar’s attacks and spells hype him up, dealing bonus damage and granting him Move Speed. Mega Gnar is too enraged to be hyper and instead can rear up on his hind legs and smash down on the area in front of him, stunning enemies in an area.
Gnar leaps to a location and bounces off the head of any unit he lands on, traveling further. Mega Gnar is too large to bounce and instead lands with earth-shattering force, dealing damage in an area around him.
Mega Gnar throws everything around him in a chosen direction, dealing damage and slowing them. Any enemy that hits a wall is stunned and takes bonus damage.