Ekko best combo for S13 LoL (League of Legends): With optimal ability combos for Ekko, you will be able to deal lots of damage to the enemy quickly, safely and becoming a better player to climbing the ranked ladder.
Role: Assassin
Ekko Combos List
Easy Combos:
Q > E > EAA
AA > Q > E > EAA
W > Q > AA > E > EAA > AA > AA > AA
E > EAA > Q > AA
W > E > Q > EAA > AA > AA
Average Combos:
Q > E > EAA > AA
E > W > EAA > Q > AA > AA > AA > AA
Q > E > R > EAA
E > Q > R > EAA > AA
Hard Combos:
E > Q > FLASH > EAA > AA
E > W > Q > R > EAA > AA > AA
AA > Q > E > FLASH > EAA
W > R > E > EAA > Q > AA
W > E > FLASH > EAA > Q > AA > AA
Ekko Combos Video
How Does It work?
Q and if both portions land E in and AA to proc the passive and retreat.
While in melee range, trade with AA then instantly Q. Quickly use E away from your target only to go back in.
If someone facechecks you lead with W then Q AA. E away from your target then AA to dash back to land the stun.
Your most basic trade will be to use E then AA as soon as you’re done rolling, then quickly Q AA.
To all in an opponent before level 6, W your target and wait until it’s about to proc. E forward and Q AA to gap close and trigger the stun.
Cancel your Q E animations by using Q on your target, then instantly E forward and AA.
You can slightly hide your W animation with E. E forward, use W on your target then AA and Q on arrival. Continue to AA if the stun lands.
To burst and hide your R animation, Q then walk away and as it’s about to hit its return damage E and cast R mid animation then AA instantly
To very quickly burst someone face checking you use E Q instantly, then R and AA.
To execute from far away E then quickly Q and Flash right as you start the animation, then AA to dash and AA once more.
If being chased E away, using W during its animation. Q back at your target upon finishing the roll, then right as your W is about to land R back and instantly AA.
Your E roll animation can be cancelled with Flash. AA then instantly Q E. Cancel the roll with Flash and instantly AA.
Going through your W with R will still stun the target. W at your target then take 1 step into the where the circle will be, then leave before your opponent sees your W. As soon as your W lands R, then E towards your target so you can eAA Q AA.
From long range, W your target and right before it lands E forward. Cancel the very end of the roll with Flash then AA to get in range for the stun, followed by Q AA AA
How To Using Best Combos Ekko ?
You need to play it over and over again. Repeatedly playing the same champion will help you master the champions.
You need understand “how he work or how his skill work.”
Every third attack or damaging spell on the same target deals bonus magic damage, and grants Ekko a burst of speed if the target is a champion.
Ekko throws a temporal grenade that expands into a time-distortion field upon hitting an enemy champion, slowing and damaging anyone caught inside. After a delay, the grenade rewinds back to Ekko, dealing damage on its return.
Ekko’s basic attacks deal bonus magic damage to low health enemies. He can cast Parallel Convergence to split the timeline, creating an anomaly after a few seconds that slows enemies caught inside. If Ekko enters the anomaly, he gains shielding and stuns enemies by suspending them in time.
Ekko rolls evasively while charging up his Z-Drive. His next attack deals bonus damage and warps reality, teleporting him to his target.
Ekko shatters his timeline, becoming untargetable and rewinding to a more favorable point in time. He returns to whenever he was a few seconds ago, and heals for a percentage of the damage received in that duration. Enemies near his arrival zone take massive damage.