Best Ekko Combos S13: League of Legends 2023

Ekko best combo for S13 LoL (League of Legends): With optimal ability combos for Ekko, you will be able to deal lots of damage to the enemy quickly, safely and becoming a better player to climbing the ranked ladder.


Role: Assassin

Ekko Combos List

Easy Combos:

Q > E > EAA

AA > Q > E > EAA

W > Q > AA > E > EAA > AA > AA > AA

E > EAA > Q > AA

W > E > Q > EAA > AA > AA

Average Combos:

Q > E > EAA > AA

E > W > EAA > Q > AA > AA > AA > AA

Q > E > R > EAA

E > Q > R > EAA > AA

Hard Combos:

E > Q > FLASH > EAA > AA

E > W > Q > R > EAA > AA > AA

AA > Q > E > FLASH > EAA

W > R > E > EAA > Q > AA

W > E > FLASH > EAA > Q > AA > AA

Ekko Combos Video

How Does It work?

Q and if both portions land E in and AA to proc the passive and retreat.

While in melee range, trade with AA then instantly Q. Quickly use E away from your target only to go back in.

If someone facechecks you lead with W then Q AA. E away from your target then AA to dash back to land the stun.

Your most basic trade will be to use E then AA as soon as you’re done rolling, then quickly Q AA.

To all in an opponent before level 6, W your target and wait until it’s about to proc. E forward and Q AA to gap close and trigger the stun.

Cancel your Q E animations by using Q on your target, then instantly E forward and AA.

You can slightly hide your W animation with E. E forward, use W on your target then AA and Q on arrival. Continue to AA if the stun lands.

To burst and hide your R animation, Q then walk away and as it’s about to hit its return damage E and cast R mid animation then AA instantly

To very quickly burst someone face checking you use E Q instantly, then R and AA.

To execute from far away E then quickly Q and Flash right as you start the animation, then AA to dash and AA once more.

If being chased E away, using W during its animation. Q back at your target upon finishing the roll, then right as your W is about to land R back and instantly AA.

Your E roll animation can be cancelled with Flash. AA then instantly Q E. Cancel the roll with Flash and instantly AA.

Going through your W with R will still stun the target. W at your target then take 1 step into the where the circle will be, then leave before your opponent sees your W. As soon as your W lands R, then E towards your target so you can eAA Q AA.

From long range, W your target and right before it lands E forward. Cancel the very end of the roll with Flash then AA to get in range for the stun, followed by Q AA AA

How To Using Best Combos Ekko ?

You need to play it over and over again. Repeatedly playing the same champion will help you master the champions.

You need understand “how he work or how his skill work.”


Every third attack or damaging spell on the same target deals bonus magic damage, and grants Ekko a burst of speed if the target is a champion.


Ekko throws a temporal grenade that expands into a time-distortion field upon hitting an enemy champion, slowing and damaging anyone caught inside. After a delay, the grenade rewinds back to Ekko, dealing damage on its return.


Ekko’s basic attacks deal bonus magic damage to low health enemies. He can cast Parallel Convergence to split the timeline, creating an anomaly after a few seconds that slows enemies caught inside. If Ekko enters the anomaly, he gains shielding and stuns enemies by suspending them in time.


Ekko rolls evasively while charging up his Z-Drive. His next attack deals bonus damage and warps reality, teleporting him to his target.


Ekko shatters his timeline, becoming untargetable and rewinding to a more favorable point in time. He returns to whenever he was a few seconds ago, and heals for a percentage of the damage received in that duration. Enemies near his arrival zone take massive damage.

Best Draven Combos S13: League of Legends 2023

Draven best combo for S13 LoL (League of Legends): With optimal ability combos for Draven, you will be able to deal lots of damage to the enemy quickly, safely and becoming a better player to climbing the ranked ladder.


Role: Marksman

Draven Combos List

Easy Combos:

W > AA > E > AA > W > AA > AA

Q > R > AA > E > AA

AA > Q

E > Q > AA

R > W > E > FLASH > Q > AA > W > AA

Average Combos:

AA > W > Q > AA > AA > W > AA

Q > AA > AA > E > R > FLASH > AA

Draven Combos Video

How Does It work?

Trade in lane by using W then AA E. AA, then W again and AA some more.

Combo fast with Q R AA, then knock aside your target with E and AA.

Hide a spinning axe with an AA and immediate Q.

Your basic trade is to E then Q AA.

Surprise your target by using R then W. Quickly E and instantly Flash mid animation, then Q AA and W AA.

When you have 2 spinning axes use AA W Q, then AA AA. Follow up with W AA.

For a nice snipe Q then AA AA. Use E and R, then Flash so the axes hit a low health enemy on the way back to you. AA again.

How To Using Best Combos Draven ?

You need to play it over and over again. Repeatedly playing the same champion will help you master the champions.

You need understand “how he work or how his skill work.”


Draven gains his fans’ Adoration when he catches a Spinning Axe or kills a minion, monster, or tower. Killing enemy champions grants Draven bonus gold based on how much Adoration he has.


Draven’s next attack will deal bonus physical damage. This axe will ricochet off the target high up into the air. If Draven catches it, he automatically readies another Spinning Axe. Draven can have two Spinning Axes at once.


Draven gains increased Move Speed and Attack Speed. The Move Speed bonus decreases rapidly over its duration. Catching a Spinning Axe will refresh the cooldown of Blood Rush.


Draven throws his axes, dealing physical damage to targets hit and knocking them aside. Targets hit are slowed.


Draven hurls two massive axes to deal physical damage to each unit struck. Whirling Death slowly reverses direction and returns to Draven after striking an enemy champion. Draven may also activate this ability while the axes are in flight to cause it to return early. Deals less damage for each unit hit and resets when the axes reverse direction. Executes enemies who have less health than Draven’s number of Adoration stacks.

Best Dr. Mundo Combos S13: League of Legends 2023

Dr. Mundo best combo for S13 LoL (League of Legends): With optimal ability combos for Dr. Mundo, you will be able to deal lots of damage to the enemy quickly, safely and becoming a better player to climbing the ranked ladder.

Dr. Mundo
Dr. Mundo

Role: Fighter

Dr. Mundo Combos List

Easy Combos:

Q > W > E

R > AA

Q > AA > Q

Dr. Mundo Combos Video

How Does It work?

How To Using Best Combos Dr. Mundo ?

You need to play it over and over again. Repeatedly playing the same champion will help you master the champions.

You need understand “how he work or how his skill work.”


Dr. Mundo resists the first Immobilizing effect that hits him, instead losing Health and dropping a chemical cannister nearby. Dr. Mundo can pick it up by walking over it, restoring Health and reducing this Ability’s Cooldown. Dr. Mundo also has significantly increased Health regeneration.


Dr. Mundo throws an infected bonesaw, dealing damage to the first enemy hit based on their current health and slowing them.


Dr. Mundo electrocutes himself, dealing persistent damage to nearby enemies and storing a portion of damage he takes. At the end of the duration or on Recast, Dr. Mundo deals a burst of damage to nearby enemies. If the burst hit an enemy, he heals a percentage of the stored damage.


Passive – Dr. Mundo gains bonus Attack Damage, increasing based on his missing Health. Active – Dr. Mundo slams his “medical” bag into an enemy, dealing additional damage based on his missing Health. If the enemy dies they are swatted away, dealing damage to enemies they pass through.


Dr. Mundo pumps himself with chemicals, instantly healing a percent of his missing Health. He then gains bonus Attack Damage and Move Speed, and regenerates a portion of his maximum Health over a long duration.

Best Diana Combos S13: League of Legends 2023

Diana best combo for S13 LoL (League of Legends): With optimal ability combos for Diana, you will be able to deal lots of damage to the enemy quickly, safely and becoming a better player to climbing the ranked ladder.


Role: Fighter

Diana Combos List

Easy Combos:

AA > W > Q > AA > AA

AA > AA > Q > E > AA > W > E

W > AA > AA > Q > E > AA > AA > AA > E > AA

Average Combos:

Q > E > W > AA > R > AA > E > AA

E > R > W > Q > AA> AA >AA

W > FLASH > E >Q

R > FLASH > Q > W > AA > E > AA > E > AA

Hard Combos:

Q > E > R > FLASH > W > AA > AA > E > AA

W > AA > R > AA > E > Q > AA

Q > E > AA > E > R > AA > E > W > AA

W > E > R > Q > AA

Diana Combos Video

How Does It work?

To trade while hiding your first attack AA and W as soon as the animation starts. Instantly Q followed by more AAs.

You can sneakily trade with your passive. AA your first target twice then Q E your main target. Instantly AA W upon landing, then E back to safety on a different enemy.

For a melee range all in W then AA twice, use Q E instantly and AA three times. E again, then AA once more.

Your basic level 6 all in is to Q E instantly and use W mid air. Upon landing AA R AA then E and AA as the follow up.

To burst your target E then R mid air. Use W Q while they are knocked up then AA three times to proc Diana’s passive

To quickly burst a low HP target W, instantly Flash and E Q as quickly as you can.

To engage from further away than expected R and instantly Flash Q W, then AA E followed by AA E AA.

For a long range all in to get onto the carries in a teamfight Q E your first target then R and instantly Flash to your next. Use W once they are pulled together and AA twice then E AA.

For surprise burst damage on the enemy backline in a teamfight W AA your first target then R AA and instantly E your main target. Cast Q as quickly as you can then AA.

To E three times in one teamfight Q E your first target instantly but make sure your Q hits your second target. AA upon landing, E to your second target and R AA. E your third target instantly before your R damage lands, then AA upon arriving

To quickly use your spell rotation and mop up a kill W and instantly E. While in mid air cast R so that it finishes its cast as you arrive, then quickly Q AA.

How To Using Best Combos Diana ?

You need to play it over and over again. Repeatedly playing the same champion will help you master the champions.

You need understand “how he work or how his skill work.”


Every third strike cleaves nearby enemies for an additional magic damage. After casting a spell, Diana gains Attack Speed for her next 3 attacks.


Unleashes a bolt of lunar energy in an arc dealing magic damage. Afflicts enemies struck with Moonlight, revealing them if they are not stealthed for 3 seconds.


Diana creates three orbiting spheres that detonate on contact with enemies to deal damage in an area. She also gains a temporary shield that absorbs damage. If her third sphere detonates, the shield gains additional strength.


Becomes the living embodiment of the vengeful moon, dashing to an enemy and dealing magic damage. Lunar Rush has no cooldown when used to dash to an enemy afflicted with Moonlight. All other enemies will have the Moonlight debuff removed regardless of whether they were the target of Lunar Rush.


Diana reveals and draws in all nearby enemies and slows them. If Diana pulls in one or more enemy champions, the moonlight crashes down onto her after a short delay, dealing magic damage in an area around her, increased for each target beyond the first pulled.

Best Darius Combos S13: League of Legends 2023

Darius best combo for S13 LoL (League of Legends): With optimal ability combos for Darius, you will be able to deal lots of damage to the enemy quickly, safely and becoming a better player to climbing the ranked ladder.


Role: Fighter

Darius Combos List

Easy Combos:

Q > AA > W

E > W > EAA > Q

Average Combos:

E > A > W > Q > AA > AA > R

AA > W > Q > AA > E >AA > R

AA > W > Q

Hard Combos:

Q > FLASH > AA > W > R

E > AA > W > Q > AA > AA > R > FLASH > AA > R

Darius Combos Video

How Does It work?

Your basic trade is Q then AA W once you reach your target.

Set up your Q easily with E then W AA once they reach you followed by stepping back to land your Q sweet spot.

The easiest way to all in is to E then AA W once they arrive and instantly Q after, AA for max stacks of your passive then R.

In melee range all in with AA W then instantly Q AA again and pull them back with your E to keep them in range for your final AA into R.

You can hide your W animation by using AA then W and Q as quickly as possible.

Quickly execute targets with Q then mid animation F to land the sweet spot, walk into melee range and AA W then finish off with R.

To teamfight open with E then AA W once they arrive and instantly Q after, AA for max stacks of your passive then R. Mid animation on the way down Flash towards your next target and AA R them.

How To Using Best Combos Darius ?

You need to play it over and over again. Repeatedly playing the same champion will help you master the champions.

You need understand “how he work or how his skill work.”


Darius’ attacks and damaging abilities cause enemies to bleed for physical damage over 5 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. Darius enrages and gains massive Attack Damage when his target reaches max stacks.


Darius winds up and swings his axe in a wide circle. Enemies struck by the blade take more damage than those struck by the handle. Darius heals based on enemy champions and large monsters hit by the blade.


Darius’s next attack strikes an enemy’s crucial artery. As they bleed out, their Move Speed is slowed.


Darius hones his axe, passively causing his physical damage to ignore a percentage of his target’s Armor. When activated, Darius sweeps up his enemies with his axe’s hook and pulls them to him.


Darius leaps to an enemy champion and strikes a lethal blow, dealing true damage. This damage is increased for each stack of Hemorrhage on the target. If Noxian Guillotine is a killing blow, its cooldown is refreshed for a brief duration.

Best Corki Combos S13: League of Legends 2023

Corki best combo for S13 LoL (League of Legends): With optimal ability combos for Corki, you will be able to deal lots of damage to the enemy quickly, safely and becoming a better player to climbing the ranked ladder.


Role: Marksman

Corki Combos List

Easy Combos:

Q > E > AA > AA

E > AA > Q > AA > AA > AA

Average Combos:

W > E > AA > R > AA > Q > AA > R > AA

E > Q > R > AA > AA > R > AA > AA > R

Q > W > E > AA > AA

Q > R > AA

Hard Combos:

W > E > AA > Q > R > W > AA > R > AA

Corki Combos Video

How Does It work?

Your bread and butter trade opener is to Q E instantly then AA.

For a basic trade you can E AA then Q right as it finishes and continue to AA.

To all in once you’re level 6 W to get into range then E. Once you land AA R then AA Q followed by AA R AA.

E then instantly Q R, AA twice followed by an R and continue this pattern.

To quickly all in before level 6 Q then W forward instantly. E while in mid air then AA.

For a quick burst of damage Q R AA one after another.

After picking up your package use W onto your target. E AA once you land, then Q R W instantly and AA R AA right after

How To Using Best Combos Corki ?

You need to play it over and over again. Repeatedly playing the same champion will help you master the champions.

You need understand “how he work or how his skill work.”


A percentage of Corki’s basic attack damage is converted into magic damage. Corki can occasionally retrieve The Package inside his base, granting him Move Speed and an empowered cast of Valkyrie.


Corki fires a flash bomb at a target location, dealing magic damage to enemies in the area. This attack additionally reveals units in the area for a duration.


Corki flies a short distance, dropping bombs that create a trail of fire that damages opponents who remain in it.


Corki’s gatling gun rapidly fires in a cone in front of him, dealing damage and reducing enemy Armor and Magic Resist.


Corki fires a missile toward his target location that explodes on impact, dealing damage to enemies in an area. Corki stores missiles over time, up to a maximum. Every 3rd missile fired will be a Big One, dealing extra damage.

Best Cho’Gath Combos S13: League of Legends 2023

Cho’Gath best combo for S13 LoL (League of Legends): With optimal ability combos for Cho’Gath, you will be able to deal lots of damage to the enemy quickly, safely and becoming a better player to climbing the ranked ladder.


Role: Tank

Cho’Gath Combos List

Easy Combos:

Q > AA > E > W > AA > AA

W > AA > E > Q > AA >A A

W > Q > AA > E > R

Q > E > EAA > W > AA > R

Average Combos:

Q > W > FLASH > R

W > FLASH > Q > E > EAA > R

Cho’Gath Combos Video

How Does It work?

To trade with your opponent at short range Q then instantly AA E. W as soon as your E connects then AA twice.

For a decent melee trade W then quickly AA and instantly E after it completes to reset your AA. Q after your E slow connects then AA twice more.

If you’re trying to all in a target with mobility or movement spells up W Q instantly then AA E and use R to execute

When trying to engage on your target post level 6 Q and walk into E range to AA then W AA, execute with R.

To quickly burst a low target Q. Once you confirm it will land use W and Flash instantly, then R.

For a combo that gives a low chance of escape W and instantly Flash, then quickly Q E eAA followed by R to execute.

How To Using Best Combos Cho’Gath ?

You need to play it over and over again. Repeatedly playing the same champion will help you master the champions.

You need understand “how he work or how his skill work.”


Whenever Cho’Gath kills a unit, he recovers Health and Mana. The values restored increase with Cho’Gath’s level.


Ruptures the ground at target location, popping enemy units into the air, dealing damage and slowing them.


Cho’Gath unleashes a terrible scream at enemies in a cone, dealing magic damage and Silencing enemies for a few seconds.


Cho’Gath’s attacks release deadly spikes, dealing damage and slowing all enemy units in front of him.


Devours an enemy unit, dealing a high amount of true damage. If the target is killed, Cho’Gath grows, gaining maximum Health.

Best Cassiopeia Combos S13: League of Legends 2023

Cassiopeia best combo for S13 LoL (League of Legends): With optimal ability combos for Cassiopeia, you will be able to deal lots of damage to the enemy quickly, safely and becoming a better player to climbing the ranked ladder.


Role: Mage

Cassiopeia Combos List

Easy Combos:

W > Flash

R > Flash

Q > E > AA > E > AA > E > AA

W > E > Q > E > E > E> E

Average Combos:

R > Q > E > W > 3*E > Q > 3*E

Hard Combos:

R > Flash >W > Q > E > E > E > E

Cassiopeia Combos Video

How Does It work?

How To Using Best Combos Cassiopeia ?

You need to play it over and over again. Repeatedly playing the same champion will help you master the champions.

You need understand “how he work or how his skill work.”


Cassiopeia gains Move Speed per level, but she cannot purchase Boots items.


Cassiopeia blasts an area with Poison after a brief delay, granting her increased Move Speed if she hits an enemy champion.


Cassiopeia releases several clouds of poison, slowing, grounding, and lightly damaging enemies that pass through them. Grounded enemies cannot use Movement abilities.


Cassiopeia lets loose an attack that deals increased damage to Poisoned targets and heals her for a percentage of the damage dealt. If the target dies from this attack, Cassiopeia regains Mana.


Cassiopeia releases a swirl of magical energy from her eyes, stunning any enemies in front of her that are facing her and slowing any others with their back turned.

Best Camille Combos S13: League of Legends 2023

Camille best combo for S13 LoL (League of Legends): With optimal ability combos for Camille , you will be able to deal lots of damage to the enemy quickly, safely and becoming a better player to climbing the ranked ladder.


Role: Fighter

Camille Combos List

Easy Combos:


Q > E > E > AA > Q > W

AA > Q > E > E > AA > Q > W

E > E > AA > Q > R > AA > AA > Q

Average Combos:

AA > Q > E > W > E > AA > R > AA > Q

W > AA > Q > R > E > E > AA > Q

E >W > E > AA > Q > R > AA > AA > Q

Camille Combos Video

How Does It work?

Use your E then E again and Flash on to your intended target.

Use your Q on a minion, then use your E twice, AA your target followed by Q & W.

AA your target, Q them, use your E twice to stun them and then AA, Q and W to finish.

Use your E twice, AA, Q, R, then AA, AA and finish with Q.

AA your target, Q them, then use your E/W/E combo, followed by an AA, R, AA and Q

Start with your W, then AA, Q, R. Then use your E twice and finish with an AA and Q.

Start with your E/W/E Combo, AA, Q, R, then AA, AA and finish with Q.

How To Using Best Combos Camille ?

You need to play it over and over again. Repeatedly playing the same champion will help you master the champions.

You need understand “how he work or how his skill work.”


Basic attacks on champions grant a shield equal to a percentage of Camille’s maximum health against their damage type (Physical or Magic) for a brief duration.


Camille’s next attack deals bonus damage and grants bonus Move Speed. This spell can be recast for a short period of time, doing significantly increased bonus damage if Camille delays a period of time between the two attacks.


Camille blasts in a cone after a delay, dealing damage. Enemies in the outer half are slowed and take extra damage, while also healing Camille.


Camille pulls herself to a wall, leaping off and knocking up enemy champions upon landing.


Camille dashes to target champion, anchoring them to the area. She also deals bonus magic damage to the target with her basic attacks.

Best Caitlyn Combos S13: League of Legends 2023

Caitlyn best combo for S13 LoL (League of Legends): With optimal ability combos for Caitlyn, you will be able to deal lots of damage to the enemy quickly, safely and becoming a better player to climbing the ranked ladder.


Role: Marksman

Caitlyn Combos List

Easy Combos:

E > Q > AA

W > E > Q > AA > AA > R

Average Combos:

W > AA > E > Q > R > AA

E > Q > R

E > W > AA > Q > AA

Hard Combos:

E > Q > AA > AA

Q > FLASH > E > W > AA > AA

R > FLASH > E > Q > AA


W > Q > AA > AA > E > W > AA > R > AA

W > Q > E > W > AA >AA >AA

Caitlyn Combos Video

How Does It work?

Your basic short trade is to E your target and Q quickly, then AA.

To all in at level 6 quickly one after another W under your target, E and Q them. AA twice and R to finish up.

An alternative all in at level 6, use W under your target and AA once the trap lands, then instantly E Q quickly one after another. R right after the Q then AA instantly after R completes

To snipe out a target E to the side and instantly Q R your target

For a neat trade E your target and instantly use W mid air, then AA Q AA upon landing

To quickly Auto Attack twice faster than normal E Q your first target then AA a second target. Instantly using your attack move command next to your first target (not on top of your target).

Outside of normal range, Q then mid animation Flash. E W instantly and AA twice.

To bait your opponent closer to you, R then mid animation Flash. E Q your target instantly and AA.

You can trade quickly in a 1v1 situation by using E, Flashing as soon as your 90 caliber net comes out and AA’ing. Make sure the first AA lands right before the E then attack move command next to your target for the headshot proc.

For a longer trade and triple headshot W Q instantly then AA and quickly attack move command. Follow up instantly with E, using W while in mid air. AA R AA as quickly as possible after that.

W Q instantly then E W quickly,followed by three AA’s – one for each headshot proc.

How To Using Best Combos Caitlyn ?

You need to play it over and over again. Repeatedly playing the same champion will help you master the champions.

You need understand “how he work or how his skill work.”


Every few basic attacks, or against a target she has trapped or netted, Caitlyn will fire a headshot dealing bonus damage that scales with her critical strike chance. On trapped or netted targets, Caitlyn’s Headshot attack range is doubled.


Caitlyn revs up her rifle for 1 second to unleash a penetrating shot that deals physical damage (deals less damage to subsequent targets).


Caitlyn sets a trap that, when sprung, reveals and immobilizes the enemy champion for 1.5 seconds, granting Caitlyn an empowered Headshot.


Caitlyn fires a heavy net to slow her target. The recoil knocks Caitlyn back.


Caitlyn takes time to line up the perfect shot, dealing massive damage to a single target at a huge range. Enemy champions can intercept the bullet for their ally.